4 plant care myths

Internet is full of plant caring tips and hacks. Quite often this resources provide useful information or at least not harmful, but some myths are better forgotten forever:

Myth #1: Excessive watering is better than no watering


No. Excessive watering will kill your plant faster than dry soil, that’s for sure. A lot of plants are more likely to survive with no water; and it’s easier to deal with dry leaves than with rotten roots.

When leaving for the holidays don’t drown your plant. It’s better to place a bucket with water near it.

Myth #2: Once you bought your cacti you can forget about it

Cacti are, in fact, quite durable but our main question is: is it enough for you that your plant is just surviving? If your answer is negative and you want to witness your cacti flowering and growing healthy here are some tips:

In spring and summer spray your cacti every day (in the mornings!) and once a month water it. Wait for soil to fully dry before next watering.

Keep your cacti in a cool place in winter and water it lightly every 6-8 weeks.

Myth #3: It’s better to keep your succulents under bright sunlight

Despite the fact that succulent plants naturally grow in deserts, they won’t approve of your sunny windowsill. Succulents need a lot of sunlight but sun rays refracted by glass will damage them.


Caring for your succulent plant:

Always add drainage when planting your succulents. Drainage will protect its roots from rotting.

Make sure the soil is completely dry before watering.

Regularly rotate your plant. Succulents grow towards the sun and regular rotation will help them grow evenly.

Myth #4: Potting your plant in a large pot will make it grow big

It won't. And there is no benefit for your plant in a large pot. If you want it to grow big you will have to go through all the stages of its growth process step by step. It means potting your plant into a slightly bigger pot every time, not immediately into a huge one.