Flowers for Easter

In just a few days we will celebrate Easter here and we decided to share with you a few flowers that are associated with Easter one way or another.



In some countries, geranium is traditionally used as a decorative element during Easter. Its flowers are used to decorate dining tables and Easter baskets, and their leaves are glued to eggshells during egg coloring.



In the 17th century, the images of passiflora flowers were seen by an italian historian Giacomo Bosio. Later, Bosio described passiflora as the embodiment of the suffering of Christ in a flower.

Euphorbia milii, the crown of thorns


Euphorbia milii is endemic to Madagascar and was introduced to France in 1821 by Baron Millius.

There is a legend that this species was introduced to the Middle East long before it ended up in Europe and that the crown of thorns worn by Jesus was made of Euphorbia milii.

Hatiora gaertneri or Easter cactus


Hatiora gaertneri blossoms just in time for Easter hence the second name. Flowers can be white, red, orange and pink. Hatiora blooms for approximately 2 month.

Unlike its desert relatives, Easter cactus will thrive in a much cooler environment and will bloom perfectly at 13-16 C.